Tag Archives: cosmetic procedure

Endermologie – results after 1 treatment. Is it possible?

endermologia efekty po 1 zabiegu

I dedicate today’s article to my impatient customers 🙂 . This is because I often hear the question of whether results from endermologie can appear after just 1 treatment. Those who regularly follow my blog probably already know what the answer will be. However, I invite everyone to read it – without exception 😉 .

Dermapen – how does pricking the skin with micro-needles work?

Dermapen - mezoterapia mikroigłowa

Dermapen is a procedure that arouses rather extreme emotions. On the one hand, its effects are really satisfactory, but on the other – many people’s hair stands on end at the very thought of it. Is skin pricking with micro-needles really as scary as they paint it? I have tried to answer all the most important questions about dermapen in the following article.